Saturday, July 19, 2014

Vacation 2.0

Well, I'm one lucky girl to say that I just got home from my second vacation of the summer - Ft. Walton Beach Florida!

What a wonderful week of relaxing, eating delicious food, and spending time with my (very large) family! 

As far as style went for the week, of course, like any beach vaca, swimsuits were the main garb, however I managed to stick in a few fun outfits... Tees and shorts are a go-to for vacations, since they're versatile, but it's always stylish to dress up an outfit with a funky necklace, adorable sunglasses, or to-die-for shoes! (Cue Jack Rogers sandals ~ my absolute fave!)

Now... I must display a bit of my wonderful photography skills:

And... My not-so-wonderful photos of me trying to be a model:

Well, I tried. (Thanks to my Aunt Me-Me for putting up with my demands for a "good" picture ;)

Last, but not least, a tip for any fashion-conscious beach-goer: NEVER provoke a teenage boy cousin by splashing water at him. He WILL pour a whole bucket of water on you, regardless of your thought-out outfit and hairstyle. You've been warned.

{Thanks for reading!}

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Style Starts Young

have a new favorite little fashionista - my adorable 2-year-old cousin, Ruby

Aside from having great style (I guess I can thank my aunt Monica, her momma, for that ;), Ruby is absolutely precious and so fun to spend time with!

Living in chilly Wisconsin, a visit to her Midwest cousins gives Ruby a chance to show off her cute summer sundresses! 

Yes, we are in a covered wagon (aka St. Louis Botanical Gardens), but Ruby insisted that it was a ship and frequently squealed, "Ahoy, matey!" 

A creative imagination is very important for a modern miss!

Ahh, what's not to love about this perfect little girl! Such a fun visit with her!

She is also the perfect tea party date!!

Ruby is officially named the first "Mini Modern Miss"! <3

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Got some adorable goodies from my mom after her fun shopping weekend with her sisters! 

I'm super excited about this metallic polka-dotted summer scarf! It'll be super comfy and cute with a tank top and shorts. 

Also, the fashion quote will look great on my style shelf!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Styles for Work

As a Sales Associate in a unique gift shop, I pride myself on putting together cute outfits for each work day. Here's some fun choices!

I love this duo of a fun polka dot blouse with the hot pink denim skirt. One of my fave styles this summer has been tucked shirts with belts, so this metallic belt helped tie the outfit together.

Another fun pattern! Chevron is one of my favorite trends, it kind of works with everything! Of course some cuffed skinny jeans pass for cute capris, and the outfit was also super comfy and convenient for the shop's big (and BUSY) summer sale - from running the register to wrapping gifts! (Side note... I did wear shoes!)

 Ah, how I love my pink! This ruffle-sided, flowy top is one of my absolute favorites (Francesca's!). It worked well with my white capris and another metallic belt. 

I'm on Instagram! Follow me @modernmissfashion for OOTDs, style inspiration, and more!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Vacation Essentials

It's finally summer!!! Ahhhhh, I'm do excited to be finished with the stress of school, homework, and tests! It's kind of funny, I feel like now that my brain is free of all the school stuff, it can absorb so much information! 

Of course the word "summer" goes with the word "vacation" and I'm lucky to say that I am enjoying one right now :) Cancun, Mexico, baby! It's goregous here, but the large amount of sunburn on my body is not fun... (thank The Lord for aloe). Aside from a reminder to wear sunscreen (wear it, seriously), I'm excited to show you some of the fun and summer outfits I've put together for this trip! 

From flowy dresses to khaki shorts, I had a variety of different outfits for this trip, but I focused on comfort and style! :)

And now a few tips for this season of travel! 

#1 - comfort is a necessity. Take it from someone who spent two days limping around the resort because she wore uncomfortable sandals on what turned out to be a 3 mile walk... (Can you say blisters??)

#2 - a light cardigan can be a savior on a chilly evening out to dinner or for a walk on the beach. Easy to pack and a super cute addition to your sundress!

#3 - tropical areas abroad are the perfect places to show off funky jewelry and hair accesories! (Note my new flower crown!!

...and now a photo of our beautiful resort!!

I hope you're having a great start to this sunny season! Comment any of your best "traveling in style" tips! 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Working Girl

13 hours and counting of work today... From my part-time job as a sales associate to my at-home job as live-in babysitter for my siblings, I'm a busy girl... But all is well when I have a great outfit!

I love this ensemble of a coral hi/low dress (Nordstrom), gold flats (Charming Charlie), and thd classic jean jacket (Love Culture). Add some chunky jewelry and soft curls, and I am off to work! 

What's your favorite work outfit? Comment below!