Welcome to Modern Miss!
My name is Danielle, I am a teenage fashion lover with a style that can be described as elegant, preppy, and pretty. I attend a Catholic high school with a strict uniform code, so accessories are necessities. I live a very busy life with school, basketball, soccer, a part-time job as a sales associate, hanging out with my awesome friends, and spending time with my family. In my free time, I love to write, draw, and design. I dream of writing for a fashion magazine in the future (along with about a million other career aspirations - yes, I'm one of those people) and I love reading, seeing, and learning about new trends and styles, especially through social media (follow me on Pinterest & Instagram!).
The goal for my fashion blog is to inspire young ladies to set trends and show their style while staying modest and loving the way they look - a modern miss!
I love hearing from readers, so please email me your thoughts and ideas! I hope you enjoy reading my blog and (hopefully) feeling inspired!