As a Sales Associate in a unique gift shop, I pride myself on putting together cute outfits for each work day. Here's some fun choices!
I love this duo of a fun polka dot blouse with the hot pink denim skirt. One of my fave styles this summer has been tucked shirts with belts, so this metallic belt helped tie the outfit together.
Another fun pattern! Chevron is one of my favorite trends, it kind of works with everything! Of course some cuffed skinny jeans pass for cute capris, and the outfit was also super comfy and convenient for the shop's big (and BUSY) summer sale - from running the register to wrapping gifts! (Side note... I did wear shoes!)
Ah, how I love my pink! This ruffle-sided, flowy top is one of my absolute favorites (Francesca's!). It worked well with my white capris and another metallic belt.
I'm on Instagram! Follow me @modernmissfashion for OOTDs, style inspiration, and more!