Saturday, July 19, 2014

Vacation 2.0

Well, I'm one lucky girl to say that I just got home from my second vacation of the summer - Ft. Walton Beach Florida!

What a wonderful week of relaxing, eating delicious food, and spending time with my (very large) family! 

As far as style went for the week, of course, like any beach vaca, swimsuits were the main garb, however I managed to stick in a few fun outfits... Tees and shorts are a go-to for vacations, since they're versatile, but it's always stylish to dress up an outfit with a funky necklace, adorable sunglasses, or to-die-for shoes! (Cue Jack Rogers sandals ~ my absolute fave!)

Now... I must display a bit of my wonderful photography skills:

And... My not-so-wonderful photos of me trying to be a model:

Well, I tried. (Thanks to my Aunt Me-Me for putting up with my demands for a "good" picture ;)

Last, but not least, a tip for any fashion-conscious beach-goer: NEVER provoke a teenage boy cousin by splashing water at him. He WILL pour a whole bucket of water on you, regardless of your thought-out outfit and hairstyle. You've been warned.

{Thanks for reading!}

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Style Starts Young

have a new favorite little fashionista - my adorable 2-year-old cousin, Ruby

Aside from having great style (I guess I can thank my aunt Monica, her momma, for that ;), Ruby is absolutely precious and so fun to spend time with!

Living in chilly Wisconsin, a visit to her Midwest cousins gives Ruby a chance to show off her cute summer sundresses! 

Yes, we are in a covered wagon (aka St. Louis Botanical Gardens), but Ruby insisted that it was a ship and frequently squealed, "Ahoy, matey!" 

A creative imagination is very important for a modern miss!

Ahh, what's not to love about this perfect little girl! Such a fun visit with her!

She is also the perfect tea party date!!

Ruby is officially named the first "Mini Modern Miss"! <3